BEU employee attends the meeting held within the Erasmus + programme

20 Jul 2021
BEU employee attends the meeting held within the Erasmus + programme

Narmin Alakbarova, an employee of the International Relations and Project Management Department of Baku Engineering University (BEU), has taken part in an online meeting on the project "Establishment of the Rectors' Conference in Azerbaijan" in the framework of the Erasmus + programme. The meeting was dedicated to the results of the activities of the first component of the project.

The head of the first component of the project, a representative of the University of Mykolas Romeris, Inga Juknytė Petreikienė reported on the results of surveys on target groups belonging to different categories.

Following the discussions, it was decided to rerun some categories of surveys to improve the quality of the data to be collected. It was also recommended to extend the survey until the end of July to achieve the planned number of surveys.

Then, the implementation of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the survey results, as well as the translation of open-ended questions into English was distributed among the project partners.

Moreover, discussions were held to prepare for the focus group interviews, which are scheduled to begin in September, and an action plan was identified. 

The meeting was also informed about the progress of work on the implementation of legal analyzes and surveys conducted to study the existing experience of the Rectors' Conference among European partners.

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