BEU delivers report at astroseminar

16 Jun 2023
BEU delivers report at astroseminar

Hazi Gasimov, an employee of Baku Engineering University (BEU), has given a speech at the astroseminar held at the Shamakhi Astrophysics Observatory named after N. Tusi of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The executive director of the observatory, professor Nariman Ismayilov, opened the event with an introductory speech, greeted the participants and informed them about the topic of the report.

Later, BEU employee H. Gasimov made a speech on "Principles of division of periodic comets into families".

The speaker said that the research work is devoted to the problem of concentration of aphelion distances of periodic comets near giant planets belonging to the Solar system. A statistical analysis of the aphelion distances of periodic comets was carried out in this work. Comets whose orbit around the Sun is less than 200 years were involved in the study. The main dynamic feature of the observed comets is the uneven distribution of their aphelions near giant planets.

The report was received with interest by the participants of the seminar.

At the end, a wide discussion on the topic was held, and the questions of the seminar participants were answered.

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