BEU dedicates new semester’s first lessons to Memorial day

29 Sep 2021
BEU dedicates new semester’s first lessons to Memorial day

The first lessons of the new semester starting today on a traditional basis have been dedicated to Memorial day at Baku Engineering University (BEU). 

The first lessons put a special emphasis on President Ilham Aliyev’s decree dated December 2, 2020, declaring September 27 the Memorial Day, as a sign of reverence for all martyrs who fought heroically in the Patriotic War, waved our flag in liberated lands, and sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of our country. It was noted that our soldiers and officers created real examples of heroism in the fight for the sake of sovereignty and territorial integrity of our country and the military operations which had been lasting from September 27 to November 10  engraved in the history of Azerbaijan as the Patriotic War

During the classes, detailed discussions were conducted on the enemy who not standing the victory march of the Victorious Azerbaijani Army and trying to shake the confidence of people targetted innocent civilians, committed war crimes, nevertheless, the liberation of the lands at the cost of the blood and lives of our heroic martyrs, unity, and solidarity of Azerbaijani people during the war and their unification like a fist around the Commander - in - Chief was thoroughly covered in the discussions.  At the same time, the significance of providing the young generation with in-depth insight into the tragedies faced by our nation in the past, their causes of occurrence, and the importance of keeping in mind the 44-day victorious history forever were stressed. 

It is worth noting that existing pandemic conditions were fully observed during the traditional teaching at BEU. Physical distance was being observed both within the territory of the university and the auditoriums, as well as, the rules of personal hygiene were strictly controlled

Public Relations Department

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