BEU and Institute of Economic Development and Social Research of Türkiye sign memorandum

09 Apr 2024
BEU and Institute of Economic Development and Social Research of Türkiye sign memorandum

A memorandum of cooperation has been signed between Baku Engineering University (BEU) and the Institute of Economic Development and Social Research of the Republic of Türkiye (İKSAD).

The document signed by BEU rector Yagub Piriyev and IKSAD president Mustafa Latif Əmək includes cooperation in the field of science and education, research, development of innovations, joint research projects and preparation of programs. Moreover, the memorandum aims to establish relations in areas of mutual interest, such as information exchange, organization of international level expeditions, conferences, seminars and trainings. Within the framework of cooperation, it is planned to implement a number of measures related to important directions such as scientific-pedagogical personnel training, improvement of the quality of education, scientific potential through the master's, doctoral studies, as well as professional development courses.

After the signing ceremony, rector Yagub Piriyev drew attention to the important role played by the personal relations of our head of state Ilham Aliyev and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the continuous development of Azerbaijan-Türkiye brotherhood and cooperation in all fields. Pointing out that the existing Azerbaijan-Türkiye relations condition the further strengthening of unity and cooperation among the Turkic-speaking countries as a whole, the rector said that the relations are developing successfully in the field of science and education as well as in other fields. Noting that brother Türkiye has a special place in the development of BEU relations in the international field, Yagub Piriyev informed the guest about the activities of the higher educational institution and educational opportunities. Bringing to attention the necessary information about the University's Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, the rector emphasized that 75 percent of the teaching here is in English, staff training is carried out at all levels of education, and expressed confidence that the organization of joint research projects in the economic direction with IKSAD will make a mutual contribution.

Noting that the dynamic development of the relations between the two native countries within the framework of brotherhood and friendship is a matter of pride, Mustafa Latif Əmək pointed out that IKSAD, which operates on the basis of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye, also serves the successful development of these relations. The guest talked about the history of IKSAD, which is active in 43 countries, and the international projects it has implemented, especially focused on the development of relations with the countries of the Turkic world, and talked about the work they have done to strengthen the scientific potential of Turkic-speaking countries. Furthermore, Mustafa Latif Əmək added that brotherly Azerbaijan is in the first place and expressed his satisfaction with the establishment of relations with BEU and entering a new stage of relations.

At the meeting, there was an exchange of views and discussions on future directions of action, as well as other directions of mutual interest.

Public Relations Department

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