BEU and Hanbat National University sign memorandum as part of meeting with STEPI employees

28 Oct 2022
BEU and Hanbat National University sign memorandum as part of meeting with STEPI employees

Rector of Baku Engineering University (BEU), Professor Havar Mammadov has met with a delegation of Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) employees.

Speaking about the development of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Korea, Havar Mammadov emphasized that the current level of relations was satisfactory, and the field of higher education had a special importance in the strengthening of active cooperation, along with various directions. As an embodiment of this cooperation, the Rector informed the guests about the implementation, the importance and results of the program, jointly implemented between BEU and Inha University from 2020, as well as the free Korean language courses at Xırdalan King Sejong Institute, operating under BEU. 

Drawing attention to the meetings held within the framework of the previous visits of the delegation of STEPI, supporting cooperation on the development of the innovation ecosystem in Azerbaijan, to our country, the Rector stressed the establishment of a scientific and technical research, artificial intelligence and scientific research laboratory in the field of information technologies between BEU and this institution, and the wide opportunities for cooperation on joint research on automation and robotics.

The Rector reminded that the delegation's visit to our country was realized within the framework of the "Operational program of the High Technologies Park in Azerbaijan: application and capacity building" project (2022-2024), jointly implemented by ANAS High Technology Park and STEPI, and noted the importance of the project.

Eun Joo Kim, principal researcher of STEPI, sharing her impressions of her visit to our country, delivered a speech about the "Operational program of the High Technologies Park in Azerbaijan: application and capacity building" project, directions of cooperation established within the project, as well as about the transfer and commercialization of technologies.

The meeting continued with BEU Isa Gasimov’s and senior specialist of the International Relations and Project Management Department Narmin Alakbarova’s presentations about the Technology Transfer and Commercialization Platform (TTCP) and the university, respectively. 

Later, BEU and Hanbat National University signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the Global Entrepreneurship Education Collaboration. The document was signed by Havar Mammadov and Jong-in Choi, Vice-President of the Industry-University Collaboration Funding of Hanbat National University.

The memorandum envisages the promotion of activities on global entrepreneurship education among universities. The document provides for the organization of the joint international seminars and symposia on startups and technology commercialization, exchange of information and knowledge, global entrepreneurship education collaboration, as well as the training on technology commercialization, and etc.

The meeting ended with general discussions on issues of interest.

Public Relations Department

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