BEU and AFSI sign memorandum of understanding

25 Jun 2024
BEU and AFSI sign memorandum of understanding

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between Baku Engineering University (BEU) and the Azerbaijan Food Safety Institute (AFSI) on cooperation in the implementation of scientific research activities.

The signing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev, the Chairman of the Food Safety Agency (FSA) Goshgar Tahmazli, the executives of both institutions, including professors and teachers.

Minister Emin Amrullayev expressed the importance of the memorandum in terms of organizing the mutual activities of the scientific-research institute and the higher education institution, training of highly qualified personnel, noting that the cooperation established in this direction will be successful for both sides. Sharing his views on the main directions of cooperation, the minister expressed his belief that the signed memorandum will open up new opportunities and the work to be done within the framework of the document will contribute to the common work.

FSA Chairman Goshgar Tahmazli emphasized that the cooperation started between BEU and AFSI will have a positive effect on conducting joint scientific-practical studies and researches in the field of food safety, training specialists in this field. In order to further develop relations in the future, in addition to food safety, the Chairman of AFSI, touching upon other possible areas, took into account issues such as providing qualified personnel training, sharing existing experience in areas of mutual interest.

During the speeches, it was said that there is always a need for knowledgeable personnel who are familiar with the innovations of modern science in order to successfully continue the tasks set in the field of food safety. Moreover, attention was drawn to the inclusion of "Food engineering", "Biotechnology" and other such specialties among the new specialties opened at BEU this year, and that the educational institution has a strong material and technical base, scientific research activities, and laboratories equipped with modern equipment.

Later, BEU Rector Yagub Piriyev and Chairman of the Board of the Azerbaijan Food Safety Institute Ali Nabiyev signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

The document aims to establish and develop scientific-practical relations based on mutually beneficial cooperation, implementation and improvement of joint activities on scientific research and cooperation in other directions.

Issues of mutual interest, proposals and initiatives were discussed at the event.


Public Relations Department 

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