BEU academic staff attend sessions of National Urban Forum

09 Oct 2023
BEU academic staff attend sessions of  National Urban Forum

The faculty and students of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of Baku Engineering University (BEU)have  participated in the II Azerbaijan National Urban Forum (NUFA2) sessions.

Azerbaijan, as well as various state officials from many foreign countries, specialists and experts attended the sessions organized within the framework of the "Urban Planning Week 2023" events with the cooperation of the UN Habitat Program (UN-HABITAT) and the State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of the Republic of Azerbaijan. attended. "Sustainable urban economy. Foreign professors Yeji Grokhulski, Olgu Çalışkan, Ricardo Garcia Mira, Le-Yin Zhang and others delivered lectures in the discussions held under the theme "Cities as the leading force of development and regeneration".

"What kind of cities do we need?", "Urban design for creating value in the built environment", "Transition to sustainability: can nature support the quality of urban life?" different topics were touched upon.

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