Baku Engineering University hosts job fair

15 Dec 2022
Baku Engineering University hosts job fair

Baku Engineering University (BEU) and the State Employment Agency under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population have jointly organized a job fair "First step in career".

Opening the event, The head of the Absheron-Khizi Regional Employment Branch Sanan Mammadzada emphasized the importance of the event. Noting a serious need for engineering professions in modern times, head of the branch gave general information about the fair.

Rector of BEU, Professor Havar Mammadov emphasized that the reforms continued in the field of employment under the leadership of the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev yielded successful results. Speaking about the work carried out on competitive personnel training at the university in accordance with the challenges of the modern era and the demand of the labor market in the background of global economic development, the Rector noted that 15 new specialties, more needed in the labor market, have been opened at BEU in recent years. Havar Mammadov added that the implementation of the Dual Degree Program and the existence of a teaching system that prefered the English language played an important role in the training quality staff in higher educational institutions, pointing out the importance of further deepening cooperation among universities and private and state institutions in order to provide employment to graduates. The Rector touched upon that the electronic database created at the university contained information about all students, the employment rate of graduates was high, mentioning that some of the graduates worked in prestigious companies of the world.

Havar Mammadov also touched upon the steps taken in the direction of the future career development of students and expressed his belief that the job fair organized at BEU  would be useful for graduates and students.

Yusif Sadigov, the First Deputy Head of the Absheron District Executive Power, the Chairman of the Employment Support Committee under the Absheron District Executive Power, spoke about the importance of measures implemented in the field of employment in the development of the economy. Stating that there are veterans among the participants of in the job fair, the First Deputy noted that the families of martyrs and veterans are always in the center of attention, emphasizing that measures are being taken to support their social concerns, ensure their employment, and increase their living opportunities.

Appreciating the organization of the job fair at BEU, one of the leading universities of the country, Yusif Sadigov stressed that he had no doubt that this event would be successful for university students and graduates.

Jamaladdin Guliyev, the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the State Employment Agency, spoke about the importance of the job fair organized jointly with BEU, standing out for the quality of education and the professionalism of its personnel. Jamaladdin Guliyev touched upon the importance of matching the constantly rising dynamics of the country's economic development with personnel training, emphasizing that especially in the background of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the labor market put forth new conditions and demands.

Noting that more than 44 leading companies participated in the fair with more than 500 vacancies, the Deputy Chairman expressed his hope that the event would be useful for the participants, and the selected professional personnel would contribute to the country's economy.

After the speeches, the fair was inspected, company representatives and students were talked to. At the fair, work and internship opportunities were presented for students and graduates, as well as an opportunity to communicate with human resources specialists of various companies was created.


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