Admission plan of BEU-INHA DDP for academic year 2023/2024 filled by 100%

22 Aug 2023
Admission plan of BEU-INHA DDP for academic year 2023/2024 filled by 100%

The results of the entrance exam held for the 2023/2024 academic year of the dual diploma program for engineering majors at the bachelor's level between Baku Engineering University (BEU) and Inha University, one of the most prestigious universities of the Republic of Korea, have been announced.

According to the results of the internal exam in which more than 300 candidates registered and 246 people participated, all 123 places allocated in 4 specializations within the 2023/2024 academic year were filled. Accordingly, 35 students of Information technologies, 35 students of Electronics engineering, 28 students of Electrical engineering and 25 students of Civil engineering will study at BEU-INHA DDP from the new academic year.

Of note, out of 123 admitted students, 37 are girls and 86 are boys. Among the students who will study in the 1st year within the framework of BEU-INHA DDP, applicants from the cities of Baku (63 people), Sumgayit (20 people), Khirdalan (8 people) and Ganja (8 people) will occupy the most places.

Among the candidates who took part in the admission competition, Hakim Musazade, who was admitted to the electronics engineering major, scored the highest score (675.1). In addition, Kamran Alizade (652.4 points), Electrical Engineering (599.2 points), Jala Gurbanova (600.5 points), Civil Engineering (600.5 points), and Kamran Alizadeh (652.4 points) got the best results and got the chance to study at BEU-INHA DDP.

It should be noted that the approved list of applicants who passed the exam on August 12 has been submitted to the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. At the same time, they are officially automatically registered by the State Examination Center (SEC). For this reason, the accepted candidates are exempted from participating in the selection (coding) of the SEC, which covers the dates of August 16-28, 2023, gaining the status of an official BEU-INHA DDP student.

In the dual degree program based on the 3+1 model, 3 years of study are conducted at BEU and 1 year at Inha University, and admission to all majors is conducted on a fully state-ordered basis. During the 3-year study period at BEU, Korean language classes, which are a condition of the program, will be taught every semester to form relevant language skills, and students will participate in exams to obtain a "TOPIC" certificate accordingly. The costs of 1-year full-time education and 3-week summer school participation in the Republic of Korea, as well as tuition fees, registration costs, educational materials and access to electronic information resources are covered within the framework of the "2019-2023 State Program on Increasing the International Competitiveness of Higher Education Institutions in the Republic of Azerbaijan" Supported by the State Oil Fund of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

More than 270 students are currently studying within the framework of the BEU-INHA DDP, which has been implemented since 2020.

At the end of the study period at the BEU-INHA DDP, students will be presented with bachelor's degree diplomas in the specialty they studied by both BEU and INHA University.

High results and 100% filling of places allow to emphasize that as a result of the implementation of the action plan of BEU-INHA DDP, one of the main quality indicators, the more talented and at the same time high-scoring students were successfully involved in the program.

Public Relations Department

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