Acceptance of documents related to transfer of students starts

20 Jul 2023
Acceptance of documents related to transfer of students starts

On July 25, from 11:00 a.m., the process of accepting documents for the transfer of students will begin. Transfer of students from higher education institutions located inside and outside the country or change of major, restoration from foreign higher education institutions to domestic higher education institutions, as well as transfer of students of secondary specialized educational institutions located in our country and abroad, will be carried out through the portal.  

People applying to the portal have the opportunity to choose the educational institution or specialty to which they want to be transferred (restored). For this, students can send a request by entering the required information in their electronic application.

The student's score in the entrance exams conducted by the State Examination Center (SEC) for transfer must not be less than the minimum passing score for the relevant specialty in the educational institution to which he/she wishes to transfer in the year of admission. In addition, the majors to which the student is admitted and to which he wishes to transfer must be within the same major group defined by the Ministry of Education.

According to the rules, it is not allowed to transfer students of non-accredited educational institutions of foreign countries and persons studying part-time in other countries. Also, the fact that the student's higher education institution is on the ranking list of the world's best universities is among the indicators taken into account. Persons who are transferred from one higher education institution to another, change their major and are restored to the ranks of students (with the exception of the transfer of those studying in the same major on the basis of a state order) continue their education only on a paid basis.

Acceptance of documents will continue until 23:59 on July 31.

To get additional information about the process, it is possible to contact the Ministry of Science and Education Call Center 146-6 or the official "Whatsapp" service (+994 51 206 78 48). 


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