Acceptance of articles to "VII international scientific conference of young researchers" continues

03 Apr 2023
Acceptance of articles to "VII international scientific conference of young researchers" continues

Acceptance of articles to the "VII International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers" (April 28-29, 2023) dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev continues.

The submission of articles to the conference to be organized by the Baku Engineering University (BEU) and the Academy of the State Customs Committee ends on April 12.

Of note, the main directions of the conference, which aims to further increase the interest of young people, are engineering, foreign trade and customs services, architectural and construction, nature, economy, philology, pedagogy, legal, history and sociological sciences.

The program of the scientific conference to be held at BEU is available at the following link:

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