6 more BEU graduates to continue their master's education abroad

16 Aug 2023
6 more BEU graduates to continue their master's education abroad

6 more graduates of Baku Engineering University (BEU) have won the title of participants of the "State Program for 2022-2026 for young people to study in prestigious higher education institutions of foreign countries".

Thus, the graduates of Computer Engineering (teaching in English) Department of the Faculty of Engineering, Sabahaddin Nasibli (Poland's University of Vistula, specialization in computer engineering), Ruhid Dadashov (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, specialization in computer science), Muhammad Verdiyev (Poland's Business University (Wsb Academia), specialty "Data scientist"), Elnur Valiyev (Vytautas Magnus University of Lithuania, specialty applied informatics), Ilgar Eyvazli (Technical University of the Czech Republic, specialty information technologies) and Umid Hajiyev (University of Exeter, England, specialty computer science),  earned the right to study their master's degree abroad.

Of note, a group of students of the Architecture and Construction, Education Faculties of BEU were also selected as participants of the State Program at the master's level. They will continue their studies in prestigious higher education institutions such as Newcastle and Edinburgh in Great Britain, as well as the University of Helsinki in Finland..

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