Azərbaycan Dillər Universiteti İngilis dili
Diplom MNB 032805
Azərbaycan Dillər Universiteti İngilis dili müəllimi
Diplom B 174098
Bakı Mühəndsilik Universiteti
Bakı Mühəndislik Universiteti
"BP-Azərbaycan" şirkəti
Qafqaz University
"BMU- İNHA İDP tələbələri arasında keçirilmiş "Brain Ring" intellektual yarışını təşkil etdiyi üçün", Bakı Mühəndislik Universiteti ; 2023
""BMU- İNHA İDP tələbələri arasında keçirilmiş "Brain Ring" intellektual yarışını təşkil etdiyi üçün"", Bakı Muhəndislik Universiteti ; 2022
"Teach English Now! Lesson Design and Assessment", Arizona State University ; 2022
""Virtual Professional Development 2", US Department of State Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs ", US Department of State Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs ; 2022
""Virtual Professional Development 1"", U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of English Language Programs ; 2021
"TKT, Module 3", Cambridge Univeristy Press and Assessment ; 2015
"TKT, Module 2", Cambridge Univeristy Press and Assessment ; 2015
"TKT, Module 1", Cambridge Univeristy Press and Assessment ; 2015
"Certificate for participation at the Teacher Training Program “English Language Teaching” ", International Black Sea University, Qafqaz University ; 2014
"Certificate for participating on the project named “Enhancing the basic knowledge of the young generation about budget, its transparency and productive usage. ", Khazar University ; 2008
"Certificates of the coach and the participant of the tournament ", “Street law” Debate Project ; 2008
"Certificate for participation in “Leadership” training ", “Debate in Civil Society” Public Union and Nar Mobile ; 2008
"Certificate of the participant of II The Youth Oratory School ", II The Youth Oratory School ; 2007
"Certificate of the best judge", Baku city Open Student Tournament ; 2007
"Certificate of the best speaker of the V Baku Parliamentary Debate Tournament ", Academy of Public Administration under the President of Republic of Azerbaijan ; 2006
"Certificate of the coach and the best speaker of III Baku Open Debate Tournament among students on Karl Popper format", Devate in Civil Society ; 2006