Kiyev Politexnik İnstitutu texnika elmləri doktoru
Diplom DN 000018
Kiyev avtomatika institutu Texniki Elmlər Namizədi
Diplom TN 081755
Azərbaycan Dövlət Universiteti riyaziyyat
Diplom B-İ 009014
Bakı Mühəndislik Universiteti Riyaziyyat kafedrası
Milli Aviasiya Akademiyası
AMEA İdarəetmə Sistemləri İnstitutu
Azərbaycan Texniki Universiteti
Kuzey Kıbrız Türk Cumruhiyyəti
Türkiyə/Kuzey Kıbrız
Sumqayıt Sənaye İnstitutu
Kiyev Politexnik İnstitutu
Neft-Kimya avtomat
Kiçik Həmlə kəndi, 8 illik məktəb
Azərbaycan Milli Elmlər Akademiyası 01-jul-2001
"Keynote speaker certificate Agassi Melikov has presented paper titled Queing -Inventory Theory: The Origin, State of the Art, Direction of Development ", 5th International Conference on Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics (PCI 2023) ; 2023
"Review confirmation certificate, Agassi Melikov has reviewed 10 papers for the following MDPI journals in the period of 2022-2023: Energies, Mathematics, Computation", MDPİ journals ; 2023
"Agassi Z. Melikov has reviewed 1 paper for the following MDPI journal in 2022: Mathematics", MDPİ journals ; 2022
"Certificate of Attendance Agassi Melikov has participated 25 th International Conference on International Conference on Distributed Computer and Communication Networks: Control, Computation, Communications) DCCN-2022", DCCN ; 2022
"Review confirmation certificate, Agassi Melikov has reviewed 8 papers for the following MDPI journals in 2022: Energies, Mathematics, Computation", MDPİ journals ; 2022
"Certificate of Reviewing Agassi Melikov in recognition of the review contributed to the journal ", Internet of Things ; 2020
"Certificate of Reviewing In recognition of the review made for the journal ", The editors of physical communication ; 2017
"In recognition of contiuned commitment and service to the American journal of Operational Research as the Editor-in-chief ", American Journal of Operational Research ; 2012