Qafqaz Universiteti Mühəndis iqtisadiyyatı və idarəetmə-İstehsalat və xidmət sahələrinin iqtisadiyyatı və idarəedilməsi (Sənaye üzrə)
Diplom MNB 020926
Qafqaz Universiteti Mühəndis iqtisadiyyatı və idarəetmə-İstehsalat və xidmət sahələrinin iqtisadiyyatı və idarəedilməsi (Sənaye üzrə)
Diplom B 104206
"Diploma in Operations Management ", ALISON ; 2015
"Diploma in Supply Chain Management ", ALISON ; 2015
"Honorary Global Advisor – Azerbaijan", AAPM ®Global Advisory Board and Hon. Advisors ; 2015
"Certified Planning Engineer ", AAPM ® American Academy of Project Management ; 2015
"Internal Auditor Certificate ", BUREAU VERITAS ; 2013
"Managing The Financial Aspect of Lean Transformation", LEAN ENTERPRISE INSTITUTE ; 2012
"Rules of Conduct for Public and Social Life ", MINISTRY Of YOUTH And SPORTS - TURKEY ; 2012
"Time Management ", MINISTRY Of YOUTH And SPORTS - TURKEY ; 2012
"The Art of Self Promotion ", MINISTRY Of YOUTH And SPORTS - TURKEY ; 2012
"Stress Management ", MINISTRY Of YOUTH And SPORTS - TURKEY ; 2012
"Supply Chain and Operations Management with Microsoft Dynamics AX. (Seminar)", MICROSOFT CORPORATION ; 2012
"First Step to ERP with CANIAS ERP Software ", IAS BUSINESS ACADEMY ; 2012
"Diction and Declamation Art ", MINISTRY Of YOUTH And SPORTS - TURKEY ; 2012
"Problem Solving and Decision Making Techniques ", MINISTRY Of YOUTH And SPORTS - TURKEY ; 2012
"Process Management ", DNS COMPUTERS ; 2010
"First of University Plaque", QAFQAZ UNIVERSITY ; 2010
"Time and Meeting Management ", QAFQAZ UNIVERSITY ; 2010
"Leadership and Team Management ", QAFQAZ UNIVERSITY ; 2010
"Body Language and Effective Communication Techniques", QAFQAZ UNIVERSITY ; 2010
"Fame Lab – AZERBAIJAN (Finalist of Azerbaijan) ", BRITISH COUNCIL ; 2010
"TEMPUS NIROA Project", TEMPUS ; 2010
""Quality Strategy: Creative Ideas for Efficient Management" certificate, TSE EN ISO 9001:2008", Business Excellence Solutions, Ltd. - 2009 ; 2009