Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti Texnika elmləri üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
Diplom DÇ 071843
Azərbaycan Dövlət Neft və Sənaye Universiteti Mühəndis elektrik
Diplom E 205578
Bakı Mühəndsilik Universiteti
Odlar Yurdu Universiteti
Bakı Ali Neft Məktəbi
Bakı Ali Neft Məktəbi
Qafqaz Universiteti
Qafqaz Universiteti
Qafqaz Universiteti
Near East University
Yıldız Texnili Universiteti
Mbeya Texniki Kolleci
Tanzania, United Republic of/Mbeya
Azərbaycan Neft və Kimya İnstitutu
The City University
United Kingdom/London
Azərbaycan Neft və Kimya İnstitutu
Was born in April 1947 in Andamich village of Ordubad district of Nakhichevan Autonomous Republic (Azerbaijan). In 1965 graduated from secondary school No 2 in Ordubad district. The same year entered the Faculty of Automation of Industrial Prosesses of the Institute of Oil and Chemistry(now the University of Industry and Oil). In 1970 graduated from the above mentioned institute receiving specialty “Information-measuring technique”. In 1970 started to work as an engineer at the Department of “Information-Measuring and Computing Techniques” of the Institute of Oil and Chemistry. In 1976 defended PhD thesis in electrical engineering on theme “Research and development of digital measurement systems with automatic error correction for resistive transducers”. Started to work as an academic worker (Assistant Professor) in 1978. In 1986 üas awarded an academic degree of Associate Professor in the area of “İnstrumentation and Computer Engineering”. Thought and still continuing to teach subjects as “Electronics”, “Digital Design”, “Circuit Theory”, “Data Transmission”, “Computer Networks”, “Industrial Automation”, “Electrical Measurements” to the bachelor and master students at the different universities both in Azerbaijan (Baku) and abroad. Published 28 scientific articles, 15 books and received 23 patents. Married, have 2 sons and daughter.