Azərbaycan Respublikası Prezident Yanında Ali Atestasiya Komissiyası Fizika üzrə fəlsəfə doktoru
Diplom ED 09789
Master 17-JUN-96
Bakı Dövlət Universiteti Fizika müəllimi
Diplom AB-I 039068
Nəcəfov Q. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF BIOFUEL COMPONENTS. Energy sustainability: risks and decision making . Azerbaijan. 2024
Nəcəfov Q. Measurements and reference correlation of the density and speed of sound and derived thermodynamic properties of methyl laurate and methyl stearate. Chemical and engineering data. United States. 2022
Vaqif H, Nəcəfov Q. Determination of polytropic indexes of aqueous solutions of electrolytes. Monitoring. Nauka i Tekhnologii. Russian Federation. 2015
Nəcəfov Q. Ca(NO3)2 (aq) as heat transfer fluid for the alternative energy resources. II. Apparent molar volumes Vϕ . Power Engineering Problems. Germany. 2005:112-118
Astan Ş, Cavid S, Egon H, Səməd H, Nəcəfov Q. 2. “(p, ρ, T) and (ps, ρs, Ts) properties of LiBr (aq) as heat transfer fluid for the alternative energy resources” . Fundamental sciences.. Azerbaijan. 2005:148-154
Astan S, Egon H, Javid S, Nəcəfov Q. “(p, ρ, T) and (ps, ρs, Ts) properties, and apparent molar volumes Vϕ of LiNO3 (aq) in the 298.15 ÷ 398.15 K temperature range and pressure to p=60MPa,. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS. Netherlands. 2005:157-163
Astan S, Egon H, Javid S, Nəcəfov Q. “(p, ρ, T) and (ps, ρs, Ts) properties, and apparent molar volumes Vϕ of CaCl2 (aq) in the 298.15 ÷ 398.15 K temperature range and pressure to p=60MPa. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS. Netherlands. 2005:165-174
Astan Ş, Cavid S, Egon H, Səməd H, Nəcəfov Q. Ca(NO3)2 (aq) as heat transfer fluid for the alternative energy resources. I. (p, ρ, T) and (ps, ρs, Ts) properties. Energy problems. Azerbaijan. 2005:98-105
Nəcəfov Q. CaCl2+H2O qarışığının müxtəlif molyar konsentrasiyalarda sıxlığının təzyiqdən asılılığı. Enerji problemləri. 2004:98-104
Beynəlxalq konfranslar
Nəcəfov Q. Морфология роста кристалов II и III модификаций при превращении IIIII в K0.940Cs0.060NO3. ФАЗОВЫЕ ПЕРЕХОДЫ, КРИТИЧЕСКИЕ И НЕЛИНЕЙНЫЕ ЯВЛЕНИЯ В КОНДЕНСИРОВАННЫХ СРЕДАХ. Russian Federation. September 2023
Nasirov V, Bayramlı R, Nəcəfov Q. Рентгенографическое исследование полиморфизма монокристалла K0.955Rb0.045NO3. Proceedings of the 3rd İnternational Scientific and Practical Conference. Switzerland. July 2022
Nəcəfov Q. Density measurements of n.butanol+ethyl-benzene in the temperature range from 290K to 560 at pressure up to 60MPa. International Conference on Thermal Engineering, ICTEA.. United States. June 2018
Nəcəfov Q. Experimental study of the density and elasticity of vapors of highly mineralized natural reservoir waters. International Conference on Thermal Engineering, ICTEA.. Russian Federation. September 2016
Nəcəfov Q. Density measurements of n.butanol+ethylbenzene in the temperature range from 290K to 560K at pressures up to 60Mpa. International Conference on Thermal Engineering, ICTEA.. Turkey. September 2016
Nəcəfov Q. Density measurements of n.butanol+ethylbenzene in the temperature range from 290K to 560K at pressures up to 60Mpa. International Conference on Thermal Engineering, ICTEA.. Azerbaijan. September 2015
Nəcəfov Q. The volumetric properties of Ca(NO3)2. 1st İnternational Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Conference (CCE-2013). Slovakia. October 2005
Nəcəfov Q. Thermal properties of LiNO3. 2nd International Conference on Energy, Regional Integration and Socio-Economic Development (ECOMOD). Azerbaijan. October 2005:134-137
Milli konfranslar
Bayramlı R, Nəcəfov Q. K0.94Cs0.06NO3 kristalında polimorf çevrilmələr. Ümummilli Liderimiz Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 100-cü ildönümünə həsr olunmuş "Gənc tədqiqatçıların VII beynəlxalq elmi konfransı". April 2023
E N, Nasirov V, Rzayeva A, Bayramlı R, Nəcəfov Q. K0.955Rb0.045NO3 monokristalında polimorfizmin rentgenoqrafik tədqiqi. Ümummilli Lider Heydər Əliyevin anadan olmasının 99-cu ildönümünə həsr olunmuş Gənc Tədqiqatçıların VI Beynəlxalq Elmi Konfransı Bakı Mühəndislik Universiteti. April 2022