Elçin Sultanov Hafiz


    Bölmə: Industrial Engineering
    Vəzifə: Associate Professor
    Yaş: 66
    Ailə vəziyyəti: Evli

    Russian : Fluent
    English : Good
    Azerbaijani (Ana dili): Good
    Turkish : Good

    Microsoft office


  • Doctorate 15-APR-85

    Lomonosov adına Moskva Dövlət Universiteti Biologiya Elmləri Namizədi

    Diplom BL 014847

  • Master 01-JUL-81

    Lomonosov adına Moskva Dövlət Universiteti Zoologiya və botanika

    Diplom Q-I № 425529


  • F.A. AGABALAYEV , E.H. SULTANOV , Sultanov E. General characteristics of the natural-ecological condition of Altiagach National Park.. Journal of Qafqaz University. Azerbaijan. 2015;3 (1):32-41
  • Sultanov E. Bax: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elchin_Sultanov. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elchin_Sultanov. Azerbaijan. 2015
  • Aytekin F. Jabbarova , Elchin H. Sultanov , Sultanov E. . Distribution and Number of Herons (Ardeidae), White Stork Ciconia ciconia and Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus at their Main Wintering Sites in the Azerbaijan Republic. Podoces. Iran, Islamic Republic of. 2009;4 (2):81-87
  • E. SULTANOV , Sultanov E. Recent waterbirds counts in Gyzylagach, the Azerbaijan Republic’s most important Ramsar Site, with comments on conservation. Podoces. Iran, Islamic Republic of. 2008;3 (1-2):31-39
  • Elchin Sultanov , Sultanov E. An ornithological study of the Azerbaijan Caspian coast, islands and regions of oil production. Sandgrouse. United Kingdom. 2004;26 (2):112-126
  • Elchin Sultanov , Sultanov E. Current Status and Coservation of the Ferruginous Duck in Azerbaijan. Ferruginous duck: From Research to Coservation., Conservation Series No. 6. BirdLife international – BSPB – TWSG. Bulgaria. 2003;6:80-83
  • Hans-Heiner Bergmann , Jochen Wiesner , Jonathan Etzold und Elchin Sultanov , Oleg A. Vitovich , Siegfried Klaus , Sultanov E. Verhaltenund Okolgie des Kaukasusbirkhuhns Tetrao mlokosiewiczi – stumme Balz am steilen Hang. Limicola. Germany. 2003;17(5):225-268
  • Elchin Sultanov and Nigar Agayeva , Sultanov E. The current breeding status of Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca in Azerbaijan. Sandgrouse. United Kingdom. 2003;25 (1):41-49
  • Elchin Sultanov , Sultanov E. . Status of the Lesser White-fronted Geese (Anser erythropus) in Azerbaijan. Bulletin of the Regional Environmental Agency of Hame. Finland. 2001;21:8-12
  • Elchin H. Sultanov , Sultanov E. Status of White-Headed Ducks in Azerbaijan. TWSG News. United Kingdom. 2001;13:44-45
  • D. Paynter , P. Mosley , T. Aarvak. , 89. E Sultanov , Sultanov E. Results of geese and swans count during wintering in Azerbaijan in 1993 and 1996. . Berkut. Ukraine. 1998;7 (1-2):30-31
  • Elchin Sultanov , Thomas Aarvak , David Paynter , Sultanov E. Winter counts of Threatened species in Azerbaijan.. Threatened Waterfowl Specialists Group (TWSG) news. United Kingdom. 1997;9:39-42
  • Sultanov E. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elchin_Sultanov. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Elchin_Sultanov. 2015
  • Beynəlxalq konfranslar
  • Sultanov E. , Sultanov E. The black vulture Aegypius monachus in Azerbaijan [El buitre negro Aegypius monachus in Azerbaijan]. En: Dobado PM, Arenas R, cords. The Black Vulture: Status, Conservation and Studies. Cordoba, Consejeria de Medio Ambiente de la Junta de Andalucia. 1-st Int. Symp. On the Black Vulture Aegypius monachus . Spain. October 2004:126-123
  • Sultanov E , Sultanov E. Problems of biodiversity and bird study in Azerbaijan. International Conference on ecology and environmental management in Caucasus. Georgia. October 2001:88-92
  • Kitablar
  • S.İ. Əliyev , T.Ə.Kərimov , V.Ə. Məmmədov , E.H. Sultanov , Sultanov E. Hacıqabul gölünün müasir ekoloji vəziyyəti. . Bakı/Azerbaijan. 2008:134
  • T.Ə. Kərimov , Ş.A. İsayev , E.H. Sultanov , Sultanov E. Ornitoloji monitorinq. . Bakı/Azerbaijan. 2008:32
  • Tahir Kərimov , elçin Sultanov , Sultanov E. Azərbaycan ornitofaunasından beynəlxalq saziş və konvensiyalara daxiledilmiş quşnövləri. . Bakı/Azerbaijan. 2007:107
  • Nigar Ağayeva , Tahir Kərimov , Şahlar Talıbov , Elçin Sultanov , Sultanov E. Gəlin Azərbaycanın nadir quşlarını qoruyaq. . Bakı/Azerbaijan. 2002:138
  • Нигяр Агаева , Салех Алиев , Севиндж Гумбатова , Тахир Керимов , Эльчин Султанов , Sultanov E. Потенциальные Рамсарские угодья Азербайджана. . Bakı/Azerbaijan. 2000:152
  • Sultanov E.H. , Sultanov E. :Birds. In book: Methods of Monitoring in Caspian sea. . Bakı/Azerbaijan. 2000:48-49
  • Alexander Gavashelishvili , Nigar Agayeva , Sevinj Humbatova. , Zura Javakhi , 98. Elchin Sultanov , Tahir Kerimov , Sultanov E. Ecological monitoring with the public's participation at sites noted for high biodiversity and vulnerability of ecosystems along Baku-Supsa oil pipeline. Baku-Tbilisi-. . Bakı/Azerbaijan. 1999:124
  • Э..Г. Султанов , Sultanov E. Песня как критерий пространственно-этологической структуры популяционных систем у птиц. . Bakı/Azerbaijan. 1991:131
  • S.K. Cəfərova , Z.C. Vəliyeva , E.H. Sultanov , Sultanov E. Etologiya. . Bakı/Azerbaijan. 1990:49

Üzv olduğu elmi qurumlar

  • 20-may-2004

  • 09-aug-1986
