Ağasi Məlikov Zərbəli


    Bölmə: Elm və innovasiya məsələləri üzrə prorektorluq
    Vəzifə: Vice Rector

    English : Fluent
    Russian : Fluent
    Turkish : Fluent

    Kompüter texnikasından peşəkar istifadə edir.


  • Doctorate 19-OCT-92

    Kiyev Politexnik İnstitutu texnika elmləri doktoru

    Diplom DN 000018

  • Doctorate 20-DEC-84

    Kiyev avtomatika institutu Texniki Elmlər Namizədi

    Diplom TN 081755

  • Master 12-JUL-77

    Azərbaycan Dövlət Universiteti riyaziyyat

    Diplom B-İ 009014

İş təcrübəsi

  • 01-NOV-23 Davam edir
    Elm və innovasiya məsələləri üzrə prorektor

    Bakı Mühəndislik Universiteti Riyaziyyat kafedrası


  • 01-SEP-09 01-OCT-23
    Kafedra müdiri

    Milli Aviasiya Akademiyası


  • 01-SEP-02 01-MAY-09
    Laboratoriya müdiri

    AMEA İdarəetmə Sistemləri İnstitutu


  • 01-SEP-00 01-MAY-02

    Azərbaycan Texniki Universiteti


  • 01-SEP-98 01-MAY-00
    Kafedra müdiri, dekan

    Kuzey Kıbrız Türk Cumruhiyyəti

    Turkey/Kuzey Kıbrız

  • 01-SEP-93 01-MAY-98
    Kafedra müdiri

    Sumqayıt Sənaye İnstitutu


  • 01-SEP-89 01-MAY-92
    Doktorant, böyük elmi işçi

    Kiyev Politexnik İnstitutu


  • 01-SEP-80 01-MAY-89
    Mühəndis, böyük elmi işçi

    Neft-Kimya avtomat


  • 01-SEP-77 01-MAY-80

    Kiçik Həmlə kəndi, 8 illik məktəb



  • Məlikov A. Analysis of queuing-inventory system with state-dependent replenishment policy. ORIJ. Germany. 2025
  • Məlikov A. Performance of the queuing-inventory system with instantaneous and delayed feedback service based on threshold level. TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Azerbaijan. 2025;1(16)
  • Məlikov A. Performance analysis of queuing-inventory system with catastrophes under (s, Q) policy. Communications in Computer and Information Science. . United States. 2025(2225):78-90
  • Məlikov A. Queueing-inventory: analytical and simulation modeling and classical and retrial queues and inventory. ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. Netherlands. 2024;2-3(340):1221-1224
  • Məlikov A. Queuing-inventory system with catastrophes in the warehouse: Case of rare catastrophes.. Mathematics. Azerbaijan. 2024(12), DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/math12
  • Məlikov A. Framework for analysis of queueing systems with correlated arrival processes and simultaneous service of a restricted number of customers in scenarios with an infinite buffer and retrials. . Algorithms. . Spain. 2024;493(17(11), )
  • Məlikov A. Numerical study of queuing-inventory systems with catastrophes under base stock policy. Lecture Notes on Computer Science. Germany. 2024(14123):251-264
  • Məlikov A. Numerical study of queuing-inventory systems with catastrophes under base stock policy.. Lecture Notes on Computer Science. 2024. Vol. 14123. Germany. 2024(14123):251-264
  • Məlikov A. A new admission control scheme in queuing-inventory system with two priority classes of demands. OPSEARCH. 2024. United States. 2024
  • Məlikov A. Data management as a critical component of protecting corporate evices. . Journal of Applied Data Sciences. Indonesia. 2024;3(Vol. 5):1246-1257.
  • Janos S, Məlikov A, Mirzəyev R. Double-Sources Queuing-Inventory Systems with Finite Waiting Room and Destructible Stocks. Mathematics. Swaziland. 2023;226(11):16, url: [1]
  • Məlikov A. Queueing-inventory system with catastrophes under various replenishment policies. Mathematics. Switzerland. 2023;23(11):4854, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/ math1
  • Məlikov A. Double sources QIS with finite waiting room and destructible stocks. Mathematics. Switzerland. 2023(11)
  • Məlikov A. A retrial queuing model with delayed feedback. . Queuing Models and Service Management. . Taiwan, Province of China. 2023;1(6):63-95
  • Məlikov A. Double-Sources Queuing-Inventory Systems with Finite Waiting Room and Destructible Stocks. Mathematics. Switzerland. 2023;226(11(1)), url: [2]
  • Məlikov A. Analysis and optimization of hybrid replenishment policy in a double-sources queueing-inventory system with MAP arrivals. ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. United States. 2023;2(Vol. 331. ):1249-1267
  • Məlikov A. A production inventory model with server breakdown and customer impatience.. ANNALS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. Switzerland. 2023;2(331):1269-1304
  • Məlikov A. Modeling of junior servers approaching a senior server in the retrial queueing-inventory system. Mathematics. Switzerland. 2023(11):4581
  • Məlikov A. Single server queuing-inventory systems with negative customers and catastrophes in the warehouse.. Mathematics. Swaziland. 2023;2380(11), url: [3]
  • Məlikov A. Retrial queuing-inventory systems with delayed feedback and instantan-eous damaging of items. Axioms. Switzerland. 2022;5(11):17
  • Məlikov A. Markovian models of queuing systems with positive and negative replenishment policies. Communications in Computer & Information Science. . Germany. 2022(1605):28-39
  • Məlikov A. Matrix-geometric solutions for the models of perishable inventory systems with a constant retrial rate. Communications in Computer & Information Science. . Germany. 2022(1552):163-173
  • Məlikov A. Multi-server queuing production inventory system with emergency replenishment. Mathematics. Switzerland. 2022;20(10), DOI: doi.org/10.3390/math10203839
  • Məlikov A. Системы обслуживания с гетерогенными сервер-ами и зависящими от состояния скачкообраз-ными приоритетами. Вестник Томского Госу-дарственного Универси-тета. Управление, вычис-лительная техника, ин-форматика. . Russian Federation. 2022;58:82-96.
  • Məlikov A. Double sources queuing-inventory system with hybrid replenishment policy. Mathematics. Swaziland. 2022;14(10):17, url: [4]
  • Məlikov A. Double Sources Queuing-Inventory System with Hybrid Replenishment Policy. Mathematics. Switzerland. 2022;14(10), DOI: doi.org/10.3390/math10142423
  • Məlikov A. Double sources queuing-inventory system with hybrid replenishment policy. Mathematics. Swaziland. 2022;14(10):17, url: [5]
  • Nair S, Məlikov A, Mirzəyev R. Numerical investigation of double source queuing-inventory systems with destructive customers. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL. Russian Federation. 2022;4(61):581-598, url: [6]
  • Məlikov A. Numerical investigation of double source queuing-inventory systems with destructive customers. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL. United States. 2022;4(61):581-598
  • Məlikov A. Numerical analysis of system with heterogeneous servers and instantaneous feedback. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL. Azerbaijan. 2021;3(60):435-447
  • Məlikov A. Markov model of queuing system with instantaneous feedback and server setup time. Journal of Modern Tech-nology and Engineering. Azerbaijan. 2021;1(6):5-12
  • Məlikov A. Investigation of queueing system M/M/N with feedback by asymptotic analysis. Cybernetics and System Analysis. United States. 2021;1(57):57-65
  • Məlikov A. RQwDFB: Analysis of retrial queues with delayed feedback. Miskolc Mathematical Notes. . Hungary. 2021;2(22):769-782, DOI:
  • Məlikov A. Retrial queues with unreliable servers and delayed feedback. Mathematics. Switzerland. 2021;19(9), DOI: doi.org/10.3390/math9192415
  • Məlikov A. Matrix-geometric method to study queuing system with perishable inventory. Automation and Remote Control. . Russian Federation. 2021;12(82):2168-2181
  • Məlikov A. MMAP/(PH, PH)/1 queue with priority loss through feedback. Mathematics. Switzerland. 2021;15(9)
  • Məlikov A. Numerical methods to ana-lysis of queuing systems with instantaneous feed-back, positive server setup time and impatient calls. Communications in Com-puter and Information Sciences. Germany. 2021(1391):155-170
  • Məlikov A. Analysis of models of systems with heterogen-eous servers. Cybernetics and System Analysis. . United States. 2020;1(56):89-99
  • M.O. S, S.H. A, Məlikov A. Methods to calculate the system with instantaneous feedback and varying arrival rate. Automation and Remote Control. . United States. 2020;9(81):1647-1658
  • Məlikov A. Analysis of instantaneous feedback queue with hete-rogeneous servers. Mathematics. Switzerland. 2020;12(8), DOI: doi:10.3390/math8122186
  • Məlikov A. Approximate analysis of the queuing system with heterogeneous servers and N-policy. Lecture Notes on Computer Science. . Germany. 2020(12563):322-334
  • Məlikov A. Equilibrium customer behavior in the M/M/1 retrial queue with working vacations and a constant retrial rate. Operational Research. An International Journal.. Germany. 2020;2(20):627-646
  • Məlikov A. Численное исследование системы с гетерогенны-ми серверами и рандоми-зированной N-политикой. Вестник Томского Государственного Университета. Управление, вычис-лительная техника, ин-форматика. . Russian Federation. 2020(53):25-37
  • Beynəlxalq konfranslar
  • Məlikov A. State-dependent admission control in queueing-inven-tory system with two types of customers. DCCN2024. Russian Federation. September 2024
  • Məlikov A. Analysis of queuing-inventory system with state-dependent replenishment policy. Int Conf on Adv in Appl Prob. & Stoch. Processes.. India. January 2024:2-3
  • Məlikov A. Исследование число повторных обращений в системе M(i)/M/∞ с обратной связью. Информационные техно-логии и математическое моделирование: Матери-алы XXI Международ-ной конференции . Russian Federation. October 2022
  • Məlikov A. Queuing systems with positive and negative replenishment policies. Proceedings of the XXIV International Scientific Conference . Russian Federation. September 2022
  • Məlikov A. Метод расчета характеристик системы обслуживания c гибридной политикой пополнения запасов от двух источников. Distributed Computer and Communication Networks (DCCN2022). Proceeding of the XXV International Scientific Conference. Moscow. Russian Federation. September 2022:143-149, url: [7]
  • Məlikov A. Algorithmic approach to study the model of perishable inventory system with repeated customers. Proceedings of the XXIV International Scientific Conference (DCCN). . Russian Federation. September 2021
  • Kitablar
  • B. Q. İ, Məlikov A. Diskret sistemlərin modelləşdirilməsi. Milli Aviasiya Akademiyası. Bakı/Azerbaijan. 2023:334
  • V.Ə. Q, Məlikov A. Kompüter mühəndisliyinin əsasları . AzTU-nun Nəşriyyatı . Bakı/Azerbaijan. 2021:352 s.
  • N. B. A, Ə. H. Y, Məlikov A. Sistemli analiz və kompüter modelləşdirilməsi. Milli Aviasiya Akademiyası. Bakı/Azerbaijan. 2012:206 s.

Üzv olduğu elmi qurumlar

  • 01-jul-2001

Mükafatlar, Sertifikatlar