Faculty of Architecture and Construction

The Faculty of Architecture and Construction was established in 2019. The language of educartion at the Faculty is Azerbaijani, Russian and English.

A total of 816 students are studying at the Faculty on 9 bachelor’s and 4 master’s degrees majors. One undergraduate student studying at the Faculty of Architecture and Construction receives Presidential Scholarship. Foreign students also study at the faculty.

There are 77 staff members at the faculty, including 69 academic staff and 8 technical assistants. The pedagogical staff of the faculty includes young, dynamic, and has internationally-trained personnel at different levels in our country and abroad, alongside with renowned experienced lecturers in the country. Some of the faculty staff have participated in national projects related to education and are continuing their activities.

It is planned to train specialists with analytical thinking, ability to work with innovative technologies, practical theoretical and applied knowledge, and the ability to apply this knowledge in solving problems at the Faculty.

The application of innovative technologies and methods in the teaching process plays an important role in improving the quality of teaching. Innovative technologies and methods, modern laboratories are used to raise the teaching to the level of modern requirements at the Faculty. The computer, smart board and other technologies provided by the faculty meet the needs of students during the lessons and ensure the efficiency and visibility of the teaching process. Free access laboratories provide students with free internet access.

The material and technical base of the faculty provides the implementation of engineering training in accordance with modern requirements. This includes classrooms equipped with technical equipment, as well as modern laboratories such as General and Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Laboratory. In computer labs, students study Microsoft Office, CAD / CAM, PRO2, ASPEN / HYSYS, etc. programs.

There is a research and design center under the Department of Architecture and Design. The center aims to apply the scientific and methodological essence of conceptual projects of strategic importance for our country in the educational process.

The Faculty of Architecture and Construction specializes in Design, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Engineering Systems and Pipeline Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Urban Planning, Industrial Engineering and Ecological Engineering.





There are 4 departments within the faculty:

1. Design

2. Civil Engineering

3. Architecture

4. Social Sciences



At the undergraduate level:

1. 050306 – Design*(industrial design, interior design, graphic design, clothing)

2. 050617 – Civil Engineering

3. 050619 – Communication systems engineering

4. 050633 – Transport construction engineering

5. 050626 – Architecture*

5. 050637 – Urban Planning

Our staff

Pərviz Məmmədov

Position: Deputy Dean on Education

Hümeyrə Mustafayeva

Department: Department of Social Sciences

Position: Head of Department

Sabir Orucov

Department: Architecture and urban studies

Position: Head of Department

Vaqif Məmmədov

Department: Design

Position: Head of Department

Abbas Seyidov

Department: Department of Social Sciences

Position: Professor

Şikar Qasımov

Department: Department of Social Sciences

Position: Professor

Rabil Mehtiyev

Department: Department of Social Sciences

Position: Associate Professor

Yeganə Ağamalıyeva

Department: Design

Position: Associate Professor

Qafar Ocaqlı

Department: Department of Social Sciences

Position: Associate Professor

Namiq Abbasov

Department: Architecture and urban studies

Position: Associate Professor

Xaqan Balayev

Department: Department of Social Sciences

Position: Associate Professor

Vaqif Şirəliyev

Department: Civil Engineering

Position: Associate Professor