Minister Emin Amrullayev and Chairman of FSA Goshgar Tahmazli get acquainted with BEU laboratories

01 Jul 2024
Minister Emin Amrullayev and Chairman of FSA Goshgar Tahmazli get acquainted with BEU laboratories

Minister of Science and Education Emin Amrullayev, Chairman of the Food Safety Agency (FSA) Goshgar Tahmazli got acquainted with the laboratories of Baku Engineering University (BEU) with wide scientific and research capabilities.

Informing the guests about the Chemistry and chemical engineering, Biology, Cybersecurity, Computer, Mechanical engineering, Electronics and other laboratories, BEU Rector Yagub Piriyev noted that all conditions have been created for students to conduct research and apply their theoretical knowledge in practice.

The head of the university pointed out the need for specialized personnel training in the field of cyber security and the need for the rapid development of this new field, drawing attention to the importance of the Cyber ​​Security laboratory put into use at BEU. He also added that today the problems related to industry and production fields are being investigated in universities, and in this regard, BEU is considering wider opportunities for research-oriented activities.

During the introduction, it was emphasized that the development and research-oriented nature of today's universities are global challenges of the modern era, as the labor market requires new knowledge and skills, universities should have more opportunities to apply theory to practice. The role of modern laboratories in conducting joint scientific-practical studies and researches in the field of food safety with BEU was highlighted, and the possibility of doing successful work with mutual support was considered. Furthermore, it was noted that in recent years, the mutual activity of research institutes and higher education institutions has yielded successful results. In this sense, it was emphasized that there are great expectations from the newly signed cooperation memorandum between BEU, which has modern laboratories, and the Azerbaijan Food Safety Institute.

 Inspecting the University Technopark, it was brought to the attention of the guests that the incubation program was launched at BEU for the purpose of development and support of startups. Startups are provided with various incubation services such as business networking support, marketing, accounting classes, mentor training, investment and market access.

Emin Amrullayev and Goshgar Tahmazli, who are closely familiar with the startups formed based on the ideas put forward by the students, had a sincere conversation with the young people who are preparing projects in accordance with the requirements of the new era, listened to their interesting ideas about the essence of startups, ways of turning their ideas into business, and gave their recommendations


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