Final State Attestation of BEU Department of "Transportation Engineering" held

25 Jun 2024
Final State Attestation of BEU Department of "Transportation Engineering"  held

The Final State Attestation in the specialty "Transportation Construction Engineering" has been held at Baku Engineering University (BEU) .

The defense of graduation works has taken place with the chairmanship of Dilgam Ganiyev, the chief engineer of the State Agency of Azerbaijan Automobile Roads, doctor of philosophy in technology, and with the participation of members of the commission - chief designer of "Hydrotrans Engineering" LLC, Shovgi Galandarov, doctor of philosophy in technology, adviser of the enterprise Natig Aliyev, deputy director Gulam Aliyev, as well as Agarza Nasirov, a teacher of the Department of Civil Engineering of BEU 

In the attestation, reports of graduation works were heard on "Designing residential highway of Garakollu of Fuzuli region and Malikjanli of Khojavand region", "On the bridge crossing with a crossing device consisting of reinforced reinforced concrete beams with live section" and other topics.

The subjects of the graduation works were chosen according to the economic areas of Eastern Zangezur and Karabakh. Currently, extensive construction and improvement works are being carried out in those areas freed from occupation under the leadership of Victorious Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev.

The members of the commission expressed their satisfaction with the reports, noting that they are interested in exchanging experience with BEU and providing jobs for university graduates.

Public Relations Department 

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