Charter of BEU

Charter of public legal entity "Baku Engineering University"


                                                                                                                              Was approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 21, 2017 


1.General Provisions

1.1. “Baku Engineering University” (hereinafter referred to as “University”) was established under the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the Order  of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No.242 dated November 8, 2016.

1.2. The University is a legal entity that carries out preparation of engineers on all levels of higher education and realizes higher, secondary special educational programs, carries out fundamental and applied scientific researches.

1.3. The University operates under the Constitution of Republic of Azerbaijan, International treaties to which Azerbaijan is a party, Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Education” and “ On Legal Persons” , other laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, decrees and orders of the President of Republic of Azerbaijan, decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, normative legal acts of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, guidelines and orders of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and this Charter.

1.4. The University has independent balance,  property , treasure , bank account and stamps, forms that have the name of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and University on it.

1.5.The license of the University is issued in compliance with the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Education” and “ On Licenses and Permits”.

1.6. The University is accredited according to the law of Republic of Azerbaijan “On Education”.

1.7. The University has a right to conclude an agreement with other educational institutions, to create associations and to access them in order to develop and improve education.

1.8. The university structure includes branches, representative offices, faculties, chairs, departments, libraries, scientific research and testing laboratories, doctoral and additional education departments, registration offices, teaching practice farms, sport bases, studios, concert halls, exhibition halls, catering establishment and other departments. Production, clinics, scientific research, creative institutions and organizations can be established in the structure of university according to its profile.

1.9. The University has a right to establish economic societies, representations in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Education” and “ On Legal Persons” and to establish branches on the basis of the contentment of the Cabinet of Ministers of republic of Azerbaijan. Affiliates of the university carry out their functions independently. The Rector of the university appoints and dismisses the heads of representations and affiliates by agreeing with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

1.10. Education is carried out on a state-ordered and (or) paid basis at the university.

1.11. The University implements the following duties in compliance with this Charter:

1.11.1. the intellectual, cultural and spiritual development of each person, the payment of educational requirements;

1.11.2. the establishment of high level training and education process;

1.11.3. carring out of scientific researches;

1.11.4. the preparation of highly qualified scientific-pedagogical, scientific personnel;

1.11.5. the provision of additional education;

1.11.6. the provision of international activities and external relations.

1.12. In order to implement the duties specified in the paragraph 1.11 of this Charter, the University:

1.12.1. prepares educational documents in accordance with the state educational standarts and educational programs on separate stages and specialities(specializations) and other documents concerning the organization of educational process;

1.12.2. organizes the educational process and carries out its monitoring;

1.12.3. utilizes innovative technologies and new training methods in the teaching process;

1.12.4. organizes the work of scientific, specialized and dissertational councils;

1.12.5. implements scientific researchers according to its profile and prepares scientific-methodical documents;

1.12.6. organizes and carries out scientific practical conferences, seminars, symposia, olimpiads, contests, exhibitions  and so on;


1.12.7. establishes scientific contacts, signs agreements(on educational and  scientific technical coorperation, participates in education-related projects as well as in the international projects;

1.12.8. establishes a modern information and scientific-methodogical database on the implementation of the principles of the international and universal educational system, special web portal of the university,information resources for the global computer network;

1.12.9. prepares and publishes scientific works, educational and methodological resources;

1.12.10. organizes and shows sport, health, catering, household services for students and staff;

1.12.11. carries out financial and economic activity;

1.12.12. works on strengthening and expansion of material-technical and educational bases

1.12.13. creates international relations for teacher-student exchange and their internship abroad.

1.13. the training of specialist and scientific-pedagogical personnel at the university consists of secondary special education and a bachelor, master and doctorate levels of higher education.

1.14. At the university the following educational forms are determined:

1.14.1. visual;

1.14.2. correspondence;

1.14.3. distant.

1.15. Teaching at the university is carried out on educational programs(curricula) which defines the content of education and rules of appropriation on  levels of secondary special education and individual or separate levels of higher education and approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

2. University admission

2.1. Graduates of secondary education and high education are admitted to the secondary special education. Graduates of high education and secondary special education are admitted to the bachelor’s degree. Morever, those who graduated from bachelor’s degree are admitted to the master’s degree on a competitive basis and on the basis of free choice of specialty.

2.2. University admission is carried out by the State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan, based on the results of the applicants' exams held on the assessment of knowledge.

2.3. Admission of foreigners and stateless persons to the bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels of the University is carried out on the basis of the international agreements that the Republic of Azerbaijan is party, as well as on the basis of the agreement between the University and the foreigner or stateless person. Education is implemented on a paid basis.

2.4. The university admission plan is defined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the basis of proposals of the University and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, taking into account the University's capabilities in accordance with the order of the relevant state and individual enterprises and organizations.

3. Education activities of the university

3.1. The language of education is Azerbaijani. The training is conducted in foreign languages by taking into account the University's capabilities.

3.2. The University carries out the following educational programs (curricula):

3.2.1. secondary special education;

3.2.2. high education:; degree;

3.2.3. additional education.

3.3. The University can implement international educational programs in accordance with bilateral and multilateral agreements concluded with higher education institutions of foreign countries with the consent of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

3.4. General requirements for secondary and higher education programs and their implementation are defined by the state education standards and programs approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter - the state educational standard).

3.5. Scholarships (including named scholarships) and promotions are also provided to stimulate the work of students at the University.

3.6. The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan defines the procedure of transferring, removing from one educational program to another or from one university to another, giving academia leave or returining to the university after dropping out.

3.7. The students who finished secondary school, bachelor and master’s degree and successfully passed the final exam are awarded with diplomas that account for finishing university studies.  The diploma supplement includes the subjects mastered by the trainees, their volume and prices. Diploma supplement that the form of it is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and is issued according to the sample of the European Commission, the Council of Europe and UNESCO / CEPES, is given to the Graduates of bachelor's and master's degrees of the University. Certificate defined by by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan are given to the students who fail to complete any level of education for various reasons.

4. Scientific activity

4.1. The university is the subject of scientific activity that provided the unity of educational process and scientific activity, as well as the university conducts fundamental, theoretical-methodological, pedagogical-methodical research on different fields and directions of science on the basis of faculties, chairs, scientific libraries, laboratories, centers, scientific research institutes and other scientific structures and carries out preparation of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical cadres.

4.2. The activities of the University in the field of science are directed to the development of relevant fields of science in accordance with its profile, the application of scientific research results to the teaching process.

4.3.The university carries out the implementation of the results of the scientific research work the production and teaching process (lectures, workshops, seminars, laboratory classes, course projects, course and graduation studies, master dissertations) and dissemination of them in monographs, scientific articles, methodical materials and scientific forums.

4.4. Scientific research activities at the university are carried out at the expense of the founder's funds, funds, grants, funds from various funds and other legitimate sources, as an integral part of the teaching process.

4.5. Scientific research related to the problems of the development of education is focused on innovative learning, learning history, improving the organization and management of education, building the modern teaching process, developing and implementing pedagogical innovations in new teaching technologies and other areas

4.6. Scientific activity is a part of the teaching staff's work.

4.7. The results of the research carried out at the University are taken into account during the selection and appointment of theprofessor – teaching staff.

5. University administration

5.1. The Scientific Council, the Boards of Trustees, the Rector, the Budget Committee and the Audit Committee are the University's governing bodies.

5.2. The University's supreme governing body is the University's Scientific Council (hereinafter referred to as the Scientific Council). Establishment, competence and organization of the Scientific Council shall be determined by the "Statute on the Scientific Council of the Higher Education Institution" approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and this Charter.

5.3. The composition of the Scientific Council is formed of the members of the Scientific Council for their positions and member elected by election in accordance with the "Regulations on the Scientific Council of the Higher Education Institution". The rector of the University (the Chairman of the Scientific Council), Vice Rector for Academic Affairs (Vice Chairman of Academic Council), other Vice Rectors, Directors of the University branches, scientific research institutes and colleges, deans, scientific secretary of the university, (staff and students), the Student-Scientific Society and the Student Youth Organization are included to the Scientific Council for their position.

5.4. The Scientific Council's authority is to examine the issues arising from the University's science and teaching activities,  make proposals on changes in the University Charter, to define the internal structure of the University (faculties, departments, divisions and other structural divisions), make proposals on the establishment, annulment and reorganization of structural divisions; Approve the statutes, draft a student plan, submit scientific titles, naming the honorary professor (Doctor of the University), determine the uniforms of the students, grant scholarships to the students, apply stimulus measures to students who meet the criteria set out, full or partial exemption from payment of tuition fees, discount for them in reimbursement of tuition fees to the students to decide on the financing of education in foreign countries and the "Regulations on the Board of a higher education institution established by" other issues of concern.

5.5. The meeting of the Scientific Council is competent when two thirds of its members attend. The decisions of the Scientific Council are made by a simple majority of the members present at the meeting of the Scientific Council. The decisions of the Scientific Council come into force after approval by the rector of the University.If the rector of the University does not approve the decision of the Scientific Council, the decision on the issue must be adopted by a two-thirds majority of the members present at the meeting of the Scientific Council. . In this case, the rector of the University must approve that decision.

5.6. The University's Strategic Development Authority is a Board of Trustees, operating on a public basis.

5.7. The Board of Trustees is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan with at least 3 members. Powers, creation and activity of the Board of Trustees are determined by the Statute approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and this Charter.

5.8. The Board of Trustees of the University (hereinafter referred to as the Board of Trustees) is responsible for approving the University's strategic development program, its annual budget and its implementation, selecting of the University Audit Committee members, monitoring the University's activities, as well as developing the University's science-education-innovation center, the implementation of fundamental and applied projects, the creation of the necessary infrastructure, the establishment of international relations, the involvement of financial resources and other investments, and the employment of graduates.

5.9. The university's current activities are managed by the rector of the University (hereinafter referred to as the Rector). The rector's activity is determined by the statute approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and this Charter. The rector can not be appointed by substitute. The rector is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The rector is appointed for a five-year term and the same person can not be appointed to rector for more than two consecutive terms. In the absence of the rector, the university's activity is implemented by the vice-rector appointed by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

5.10. Depending on the number of lecturers and students at the university, the number of the vice-rectors are at least 4. Prorectors are appointed by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan for five years based on the University's presentations. The same person can not be appointed more than two times as a vice-rector.


5.11.1. Leads the current activities of the University on science, teaching, personnel and international relations and is personally responsible for this activity;

5.11.2. Represents the university in the relations with state bodies and organizations,  local and international organizations;

5.11.3.Carries out administrative functions of the university;

5.11.4. Concludes Civil-legal transactions based on the agreement of the Budget Committee on behalf of the University, as well as transactions with more than 25 percent of the value of net assets (special deals) with the consent of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as transaction with the persons related to the University (if the transaction value is 5 percent or more of the assets ), issues power of attorney, and opens accounts in banks and other credit institutions;

5.11.5. Gives orders and orders that are mandatory for the University staff, structural units and educators;

5.11.6. Approves the decisions of the Scientific Council, carries out the decisions of the Scientific Council and the Boards of Trustees;

5.11.7. Approves the internal structure and table of organization of the University determined by the Scientific Council in consultation with the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan based on the opinion of the Budget Committee;

5.11.8. Provides a report on the current activities of the University in front of the  Board of Trustees , and on science and education issues in front of the Scientific Council;

5.11.9. concludes labor contracts with workers, organizes professional development of employees;

5.11.10.confirms employee job descriptions;

5.11.11. Approves the internal discipline rules of the University;

5.11.12. Solves other issues not related to the current activities of the University, as well as to the authority of other governing bodies.

5.12. The Governing Body of the University's Financial and Economic Activity is the University Budget Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Budget Committee).Powers, the creation and activitiesof the Budget Committee are determined by the Statute approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and this Charter.

5.13. The authorities of the Budget Committee is as follows:

5.13.1. Preparation of the annual budget project of the University;

5.13.2. Providing advice to the Scientific Council, Rector and Board of Trustees on the budget, financial and economic issues of the University, giving consent to financial and economic issues in accordance with its authority;

5.13.3. Giving consent to the approval of the internal structure and table of orgamization of the University, as well as changes in;

5.13.4. Preparation of financial plans for long-term financing and investment policy of the University;

5.13.5. Managemnts of university property and financial resources;

5.13.6. Identification of salaries and remuneration amounts for university staff, offering a fee for tuition fees and dismissals;

5.13.7. Organization of material resources registration, managements the use of them, preparation of the preparation of reports to be submitted to the Boards of Trustees, statistical, financial and tax authorities of the University ,implementation of the authorities on state properties of the university in accordance with decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated on 6 June, 2007 No. 586.

 5.14. The Budget Committee shall consist of no less than 3 members and no more than 5 members.The university's responsible vice-rector for this field is also the chairman of the Budget Committee. Members of the Budget Committee are appointed by the Minister of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan for a period of five years on the basis of the same vice-rector's recommendation.The same people can not be appointed more than two times as members of the Budget Committee. Members of the Budget Committee carry out their duties on a paid basis.

5.15. The Audit Committee is an organization under the Board of Trustees, which carries out oversight functions within the educational institution, such as education, science, personnel, finance, international relations and other matters. Powers , the creation  and activities the Audit Committee are determined by the Statute approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and this Charter.

5.16. The Audit Committee shall consist of no less than 3 members and no more than 5 members. Members of the Audit Committee are elected for a five-year term by simple majority vote of members of the Board of Trustees from among those who are not represented in any Governing Body of the University. The same persons may not be appointed as members of the Audit Committee more than two times. Members of the Audit Committee carry out their duties on a paid basis.

5.17. The Audit Committee has the right to request documents and information of the university activities on science, education, personnel, financial and other fields according to the fulfilment of the authorities of its members.

5.18. The Audit Committee shall submit to the Board of Trustees half-yearly and annual reports on its activities.

5.19. The faculty is the University's educational, scientific and administrative unit, and carries out the training of bachelors and masters in the same field or direction, and also additional research on the relevant field, and directs research and education. The general management of the faculties of the University is carried out by the Faculty Scientific Council. Powers , creation, and activities of the Scientific Council of the Faculty are determined by the regulations approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

5.20. The department is the main educational-scientific structural unit of the University (faculty), carries out educational, methodical, scientific-research activity and additional training in one or several similar subjects.

5.21. At the University there are positions on scientific-pedagogical (professorial-teaching staff, scientific workers), engineering-technical, administrative, administrative-economic, education related assisting staff and other staff.

6. Rights and duties of the students, lecturersand other employees

Rights and duties of lecturers, students, administrative, administrative-economic, engineering-technical, production, assistanting staff and other staff of the University are defined by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, Labor Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan, this Statute, the internal discipline rules of the University, and labor contracts in relations with people who have relation the University.

7. Charter fund, property and financial and economic activities of the University

7.1. The University Charter Fund is 1,000,000 (one million) manats.Universitetin nizamnamə fondu 1.000.000 (bir milyon) manatdır.

7.2. The property of the University consists of funds from the charter fund, other properties  provided by the state and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as funds allocated from the state budget, activities carried out in accordance with the directions of activity, entries received from services, donations, grants and other sources determined by this Charter.

7.3. The University uses only the property given to it in accordance with the purposes determined in this Charter.

7.4. The State is not responsible for the obligations of the University and is at risk within the cost of property that it gave  to the University for damage related to its activities.

7.5. The University is responsible for maintaining, protecting and using its property in its possession and use.

7.6. The University may acquire tangible and intangible assets including buildings, equipment, new technology, vehicles as a result of the services(teaching, research, consulting, and other services)  provided by this Charter.

7.7. Privatization of the University and its property is not allowed.

7.8. The property acquired by the University is included in its property.

7.9. The University has the right to offer paid educational services, donations and voluntary contributions in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education". The funds and other resources received from these sources do not affect the amount allocations  of the University and are freely used in accordance with this Charter.

7.10. The university earnings are directed exclusively to the development of education, to the social protection of educators and educators. The university freely determines the direction of spending on paid education and other sources and the specific weight of the material incentives alloctions of the employees, provides financial assistance to trainees and trainees.

7.11. University funding is based on the financial norms defined for each level of education. These norms are determined by taking into account the amount of expenses per student.

7.12. The University is funded by the following sources:

7.12.1. at the expense of public funds;

7.12.2. at the expense of non-cash funds received from paid education;

7.12.3. Grants, bequeathed means, donations and grants of the University in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Grant";

7.12.4. at the expense of scientific research grants allocated by the state on the basis of competition;

7.12.5. At the expense of funds received from The University's education, science, production, consulting (consulting) and other services provided by this Charter;

7.12.6. At the expense of the funds received from the sale of physically and morally obsolete equipmentof the University, vehicles and other property which is incompetent for educational purposes;

7.12.7. At the expense of other funds received in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education".

7.13. University does not aim to earn profits.

7.14. Concludes transactions with a value of more than 25 percent of its net asset value (special transaction), as well as transactions with  those related to the University (with the transaction value being 5 percent or more of the assets) with the consent of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The University must provide information on the closure of a transaction (value-added transaction) of more than 25 percent of the net asset value and the University's annual financial report on the University's website.

8. Procedure for informing the public about the University's activities

8.1. The University prepares information on its activities and publishes it regularly in mass media with the following information:

8.1.1. Purpose and activity directions of the University;

8.1.2. University address, work schedule, official website, phone numbers and email addresses;

8.1.3. Names of specialties.

8.2. The information provided in paragraph 8.1 of this Charter is also provided on the official web site of the University, in public places or on the information boards placed in front of the administrative building.

8.3. Citizens can apply the University and get about their activities.

9. International relations in the field of education

9.1. The University carries out international cooperation in the field of secondary special education and higher education on the basis of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education" and the international treaties to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party. The teaching process at the university is based on a credit system that is compatible with the European Credit Transfer System. The procedure for organization of education  on credit system is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

9.2. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education" and its functional characteristics, the University has the right to establish direct contacts with scientific and educational institutions, organizations, international organizations of foreign countries, sign bilateral and multilateral agreements on cooperation, enter non-profit organizations that operates in the field of education(alliances , associations, etc.). 

9.3. In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education", the University has right to prepare international scientific and educational projects, conduct scientific-practical conferences, symposiums, exchange of students, masters, doctoral students, lecturers and scientific workers, to deal with it by alienating claims, patent or related rights.

9.4. The University has the right to create joint structural units (centers, laboratories, technoparks, etc.), both within and outside of the country, with foreign partners in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Education" and this Charter in order to enhance the quality of its activities and expand its international relations.

10. Reorganization and liquidation of the University

10.1. Reorganization and liquidation of the University is carried out by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

10.2. During the liquidation of the university,an order is issued about  its property in accordance with the Civil Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.