Theoretical and Experimental Assessment of the Noise Levels, Arising at the Analog-to-Digital Conversion of the TV Broadcast Luminance Microwave Signals
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Publication date: 2024-09-04 07:33:00
Authors: Mammadov, Isa R; Islamov, Islam J; Ismailov, Zafar A; Muradzade, Elvin I.
Category: Engineering
Summary: The article presents a theoretical and experimental assessment of noise levels during the analog-to-digital conversion of TV broadcast microwave signals. Mathematical expressions are derived to calculate the mean quantization noise power for different brightness distribution models on TV images, considering both linear and nonlinear characteristics of the “light-to-signal” converter. For the first time, the dependence of the average quantization noise power on the compression coefficient is obtained for an inversely proportional distribution of brightness on the television image. This is particularly relevant when the input unipolar positive TV broadcast luminance signal is small, i.e., when the signal level is below the first quantization level. Additionally, analytical expressions are provided to calculate the level of restriction noise and the ratio of restriction noise power to quantizing noise power, particularly when the brightness distribution on TV images follows an exponentially decreasing model or an inversely proportional model with a logarithmic quantization scale. The impact of quantization and restriction noise on image quality was experimentally tested in an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel.
Author keywords: Analog-to-Digital Conversion; Logarithmic Companding Method; Microwave signals; Quantization Noise; Quantization Scale; Restriction Noise; TV Broadcast Luminance Signal Distribution